Destiny 2 Etched Crystals
Christ's Shambhala Healing And Meditation Tools & Music ... Many of my recognition happens in India, Nepal and Tibet not in the West. meditation pyramid kit . the light of the seven. In the West, there are lots of people claiming to be Buddha Maitreya along with much religious fanaticism. My process started formally when I was 9 years of ages when Tibetan Masters came to my house claiming I was Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Buddha. I said really little about it and waited until I was 30 before I was approached by many senior Tibetan Rinpoches, acknowledged as Buddha Maitreya and asked to go to Nepal. I did this, developed a Buddhist dharma center there and was enthroned by many different lineages as recognized reincarnations of much of the creators of each lineage. maitreya. I have been a meditator all my life and recommend basic meditation and living a life of harmlessness as my primary teaching. I offer lots of valuable med...